GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

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University of Brighton (UoB), United Kingdom

Work package 6

Community Health Worker survey development

The UoB is a large University with over 22,000 students, 2,600 staff and over 500 courses located on five campuses in the South East of England. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 confirmed UoB’s position as one of the top 60 institutions in the UK in the quality research league tables and ranked us 27 out of 128 universities for our world-leading research impact. For more about our research see:

University researchers contribute significantly to social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing across a broad range of work, from the arts, humanities and social sciences to the physical and life sciences, technology and engineering. The University’s research partners are drawn from across the globe and include academic collaborations, public sector collaborations from the NHS to the EU, work with well-known international SME companies, start-ups, as well as charities and local businesses.

The UoB has a strong and experienced administrative team for managing large-scale EU projects and tenders, and has considerable experience of participating in and leading projects including those funded under FP6-7, DG-SANCO, DG-EDUCATION, DG-Justice, and INTERREG.

In terms of scientific staff, Dr Nigel Sherriff and Professor Jörg Huber oversee and lead WP6 on behalf of the Centre for Health Research (CHR) located within School of Health Sciences at the UoB. The CHR is well-known for its European and international expertise in sexual health promotion including HIV, policy, and practice and particularly with regards HIV prevention among MSM. Other key members of the WP6 team include Dr Nick McGlynn (researcher), Dr Carrie Llewellyn (expert advisor) and Glynis Flood (senior research administrator).

Key Staff
Dr Nigel Sherriff – Leader of WP6

Dr Sherriff is known for his public health and health promotion research on sexual health, HIV, and health inequalities. He is an accredited European Health Promotion Practitioner, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist. His research is driven strongly by a social (in)justice in health agenda to ultimately tackle disadvantage and inequity by focusing on key ‘at-risk’ populations as well as the social, cultural, and political structures and processes that underpin such inequalities. Nigel has extensive experience of participating in and leading European funded projects including coordinating the European EVERYWHERE HIV prevention Project, and contributions to SIALON II, H-Cube, and COBATEST. He is currently working internationally to adapt the EVERYWHERE HIV prevention framework for Japan and other South Asia countries.

Prof Jörg Huber - Leader of WP6

Prof Huber is an expert on questionnaire development, statistical analysis of survey and questionnaire data and research design more generally. He holds several national data sets on health behaviour and wellbeing. He is currently involved in a large meta-analysis on depression in diabetes, as part of a multi-national writing group under the auspices of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. As a psychometrician he is registered with all major psychometric test publishers. He is also the Lead for the NHS local Research Design Service (RDS) which is based in the Centre for Health Research and which provides methodological advice to clinicians and academics.

Dr Nicholas McGlynn – Researcher for WP6

Dr McGlynn is a Research Fellow specialising in gender, sexualities and geography, with years of local, national and transnational experience involving LGBTQ community, activist and public sector partners. His research aims to progress positive social change for socially and spatially marginalised LGBTQ people. Through his work on projects such as LGBTQ Liveable Lives and the award-winning Count Me In Too he has extensive expertise in using qualitative and quantitative methodologies together through empirical mixed-methods research. Due to his extensive experience in partnership research Nick is practised in writing and speaking to professional, community/activist and academic audiences alike.

Dr Carrie Llewellyn – Expert advisor to WP6
Dr Carrie Llewellyn is a Reader in Applied Behavioual Medicine, a behavioural scientist and a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. She leads a portfolio of applied behavioural research in sexual health, related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV prevention, in addition to research furthering our understanding of patient’s preferences for health services. Her current work is supported by grants from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).